Child Safeguarding
At Empower Arts we ensure that your child’s safety and happiness is our number one priority.
Policy Statement
“Empower Arts aims to safeguard the welfare of children and young people participating in all classes, workshops, rehearsals and performances run and co-ordinated by the company. Empower Arts and all paid and voluntary staff commit to a code of good practice, and take all reasonable steps to protect children and young people from neglect and physical, sexual or emotional harm, taking into account and complying with current legislation and best practice.”
Empower Arts is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people by taking all reasonable steps to protect them from neglect, physical, sexual or emotional harm. Safeguarding children and young people is at the centre of Empower’s activities and beliefs and is the responsibility of everyone. Empower aims to keep safe all children and young people who use Empower's services as well as the paid staff and volunteers who work for Empower.
Empower aims to provide safe, positive and empowering environments for all young people who engage in projects, programmes and events organised directly by it, or in partnership with other organisations. Empower's work with young people aims to be fun, informative and inspirational. This can only be achieved in an atmosphere of trust and respect. Empower recognises that there are a variety of approaches required to ensure an effective prevention of harm strategy. These include: creating the right environment, developing practice standards, empowering young people, paid staff and volunteers, sharing information and developing a monitoring role.
Policy Aims
The aim of the Empower Arts Child Protection Policy is to promote good practice in:
• Providing children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of Empower Arts
• Allow all staff/volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues
Empower believes that:
• The welfare of children is vital and that safety and welfare come first in all instances.
• All children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse
• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
• All staff including teachers, assistants and volunteers working for Empower Arts have a responsibility to report concerns to the principal or other identified staff.
Empower Arts has a duty of care to safeguard all children involved in our classes from harm.
All children have a right to protection and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.
Empower Arts will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in our stage school through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines. A child is defined as under 18 The Children Act 1989.
Designated Safeguarding Officer
The designated worker takes responsibility for disseminating and implementing safeguarding procedures within the organisation at all times. In particular, they will:
•Be specifically trained to carry out this role
•Be familiar with and have an understanding of all legislation and guidance relating to safeguarding and child protection
•Receive information from paid staff, volunteers, children and young people, parents and carers about child protection concerns
•Assess this information promptly and take appropriate action
•Maintain secure, confidential records of any child protection or other safeguarding concerns raised, action taken and follow-up required
•Provide support during and after incidents involving child protection
•Know how to contact and establish links with the Local Safeguarding Children Boards and the relevant departments within Local Authorities and police and be familiar with local referral procedures
•Assess the safeguarding and child protection learning and development needs of all staff and volunteers and coordinate the training
•Promote safeguarding across the organisation and keep all staff and volunteers informed on good practice and new legislation and guidance
•Monitor the overall trend of safeguarding concerns, keep records of their disposal and feed back to the organisation on the quality of their safeguarding work
Code of Practice in support of the Protection of Children and Young People’s Policy
In working with children and young people, Empower Arts commits to:
1. DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check all staff who will work with young people. Two confidential references, including one regarding previous work with children will be held on file. These references must be taken up and confirmed through telephone contact. Evidence of identity (passport or driving licence with photo) will also be held on file.
2. Maintaining an awareness of Health and Safety issues relating to young people and identifying potential risks or hazards as part of the ongoing risk assessment procedure of the company.
3. Appointing staff who are responsible or who are in direct contact with children and young people through a rigorous selection process, compatible with responsibilities under the Children Act 1989.
4. Where appropriate Police vetting procedures will be applied.
5. Seek permission from parents / guardians in the use of images and film footage of their child(ren).
6. Ensuring that all staff are kept aware of changing legislation and available guidance.
7. Ensuring that all staff have received and read this policy and agree to follow the guidelines laid out herein.
8. The monitoring and regular review of relevant procedures with the Management Team.
9. Promoting Good Practice
Taja Morgan
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)